Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hey Facebook friends... why can't i comment?

Hey apparent Facebook friends... Why can I not comment on your pages/posts?
I am not stupid... you're privacy settings stop me from doing so.. but a quick question:

Am I really your friend?

Look I don't mind about whatever insecurities you have with either yourself or my extremely witty, sometimes bizarre comments.. but why are we connected socially if you do not want me to give you my two cents?
Am I someone you want people to think is your friend because I hold some sort of credibility or entertainment value, but you don't necessarily like me?
Was it an accidental slip? Was I not meant to be on this list? If so.. now is your golden opportunity to change your mistake.

If not however... you can go fuck yourself. I have better things to do than see your shithouse updates come up on my page only to see that I can not let you know that I may or may not care about what you are doing. I know at times I can be a smartarse and can seem tactless or insensitive.. but for fucks sake.. you knew that when you added me or accepted my request right? If not.. then shit.. maybe it's my mistake for adding or accepting a complete cuntstick of a person.

I give these people 24 hours to change these settings.. if not... eat shit you cyber bubble humans. You are not worth the 'comment' tab anyway.

Thanks for playing. Goodbye.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Attention Rappers: You do NOT have to be a hard cunt.

I consider myself a good judge of character.. and as of late it has become painfully apparent that the Australian hip hop scene especially feels the need to portray themselves as the hardest of cunts.


I didn't grow up in the nicest of areas.. Bankstown/Sefton circa 84-99... so i personally know about the whole shooting/stabbing/muggung/killing/raping etc thing. How come its a person like me that is the only one with a sense of humour?

Must I plead with the next rapper I see to fuck off with the facade? If you have really truly grown up in a hostile environment.. wouldnt you want to  improve your life... maybe move on from the social and political ties that bind you to your respective area? or are you just that much of a dumb shit that you choose to use these fantastic rap words to describe a lifestyle that you are actually quite happy to live within?

Then there is the shameful exception.. the person that grew up on the other side of the bridge with the parents that bought them whatever they wanted.. but they never had cred... so now they put on more of a show in order to up their rep. You sir can fuck so far off that you are no longer recognised as part of our galaxy. Fags. Thats a wonderful 9mm Glock you have there.. what was that? you have a licence and your dad bought you the gun? well thats just swell. Idiot.

This was quite the rant today. No apologies however.. all I ask Mr. Rap Guy From Australia That Feels The Need To Prove Themselves Constantly.... is that you tone it down.. don't be scared to be the real you. It doesnt hurt.

... and just so you know.. I can tell who you are... really. Don't cry. There there.

Thanks for playing. Goodbye.

...360 is an entertaining individual.

Do you see this guy?
He is an entertaining individual.

I am one for talking shit as you may know from viewing my youtube videos. However, this guy here.. takes the cake... and the piss while he's at it.

The reason I am wasting a post on this dude is because he is the epitome of what the Australian hip hop scene needs. A clown shoe... and i mean that as an extreme term of endearment. Seriously... being involved with the scene for as long as i have.. it's about time someone with skill can actually hold it down while not taking it seriously. We are in Australia... and emcees here take themselves way too serious... like if they were to let their guard down for a second, that somebody would take a photo of them sucking so much penis. Wtf? it's ok dipshits... it's all in good fun.. even if your content is a little more rough.. settle it down shitbags.

click >>>HERE<<< to download his latest mixtape. Please Be Seated 2.

I'm sure this opinion isn't for everyone. Matter of fact... this guy gets hated coz he has a sense of humour. Well I can only assume that from comments I've seen from others.

Sixty.. you're alright with me. Haters can dangle between the legs of some fat dude.

Thanks for playing. Goodbye.

Monday, November 1, 2010



Due to my lack of appreciation shown to my brother from another udder... I am publicly displaying my affection for this man:

His name is Jonathan Villanueva. You can find him on facebook. Add him and I can guarantee you will not be disappointed. Shit.. He has always managed to keep me entertained during our little catch ups (which are normally over a phone device.. however.. these devices do him no justice [see hat above]).. and I am incredibly hard to please..

So please.. if you see him out.. give him a hug... from me.. and tell him I'm sorry for the lack of mention.. and if he lets you.. you may be lucky enough to kiss him. No tongue. No homo.

Stay messy.

Thanks for playing. Goodbye.