Thursday, February 24, 2011


Few things worry me.. I'm a pretty 'I don't give a shit' kinda guy.. but a few comments smacked me in the face like my Dad when I was younger (ok.. bad call. Sorry Dad)

I saw two comments from younger kids on Facebook and Twitter the other day that made me think.

Facebook comment went something like this:
'I've decided that I'm gonna stay on Facebook 24/7 in order to progress and push' (in life i'm assuming)
This kid wasn't joking.. sure enough.. he is on there in one way or another ALL THE TIME! what the hell? remember when networking consisted of going somewhere.., grabbing a beer or a coffee if it was a meeting and getting to know someone? not just post pictures of yourself with your shirt off.. tongue out like LL fucking cool J thinking that you're making a difference in the world. Get the fuck out of your house son!

Twitter comment went something like this:
'If you wanna meet an emo.. go on myspace, if you wanna meet a spam bot go on facebook. If you wanna meet a legend go on twitter'

Jesus.. have people become so socially incompetent that they need to rely on these medias to have a social life? man.. it's scary. I mean.. if you're a girl that is half attractive I hope you realise that all your guy 'friends' are probably nerds with a complex jerking off to your photos... and guys.. if there are half attractive girls that are your friends.. they're more than likely guys that are nerds with a complex jacking off to your photos. It's a lose lose.

Where the fuck has it got to? Please humans.. make an effort to leave your house and have some interaction with other humans! otherwise we're all gonna be looking like the fat shits in the movie Wall-E.. 

and to be honest I have no sympathy for fat people who don't have asthma or diabetes.

Thanks for playing. Goodbye.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rappers.. and their apparently 'cool' names..

Hey guys
Firstly.. sorry the blog has been neglected.., and secondly...  
Your rap name is shit.

Just outta curiosity... which one of you new rappers think your name is cool? seriously? grow the fuck up.
I am sick and tired of seeing these names that are 'lil' whatever.. misspelled every time. Replacing 's' with 'z' does not automatically up your street cred. Matter of fact.. you are the perfect target for some major drug dealer to get you in their crew as a shitkicker. Why? Because if you can't get your basic words right.. then you sure as hell aren't gonna be able to tell that you're getting punked on your cut of the money at the end of the day. Haha.
In all seriousness though... I used to have a rap pseudonym. 'Figgkidd' was my name.. shit.. I even grew out of it.. but it was too late.. I was signed to a major label on that name.. so I couldn't change it. Poor me. People loved it.. people hated it.. but at the end of the day.. I always felt that if people criticized it.. they weren't criticizing the real me... so I never felt that it was a representation of me.. almost something to hide behind... and I can't do that. With me it's a 'what you see is what you get' deal. So now.. it's:

Lee Monro

original? maybe not... but I don't care.. at least if you got shit to say.. then you're saying it to me.. and then.. for some reason I do not care. 

I will say as well... there is nothing wrong with doing you people.. especially these kids. Man.. you don't have to be all ghetto for people to relate.. I mean look at Lupe. Stay educated... shiit.. and i'm not talking about school.. i'm talking about reading books on what you like and want to be smart with.

Anyway I'm veering away from the point.
Your name is your name. Stand up and make it that. 
You don't have to be a 'KILLAH PLAYAH GANGZTA LIL' LO ILL' nothin.. just do you. 

so anyway for a bit of fun.. click HERE to get 25 of the worst rap names ever. Awesome.
Thanks for playing. Goodbye.