Thursday, October 28, 2010 why you gotta look like a bum?

Is it just me.. or do celebrities go out lookin like a dipshit on purpose. Is this to create mystique? i don't understand it. remember when a star would go out.. even if they were at the grocery store.. all you saw was class? these paparazzi really have everyone lookin like shit on a stick... such as...

Cameron... WTF? Why you lookin all Grimace on us? looks like someone threw some play-doh on your face and went to work.... and that someone was 4 years old..
I know Brit is an easy target.. but damn she's lookin like Jack Nicholson here..
Could Kirsten's face look any plainer? I got more intriguing pieces of paper in my printer...
 I would vouch for America on a good day... but it looks like this chick worked at bankstown maccas in 96. I knew i seen her somewhere before...
............. !
..and Nick Cannon... i mean.. you're B-grade son! you gotta hold it down for us in some respect... i mean shiiiit... you just knocked up Mariah. How you gonna walk out like a grown man lookin like he just came out of some shit black comedy from '93. Enough with the jokes Nick..

So yeah...

I'm not sayin that i look a million dollars day in day out.. but these guys have a responsibility to keep the part... and they really are letting it go..... 

don't get me started on mug shots! oh my.

Thanks for playing. Goodbye!

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