Friday, October 8, 2010

URBANSTAR today.. bring the raw talent.. keep the ego kids..

.. and then today I'm off to judge Urbanstar. Let's hope these kids are humble and don't have their heads ENTIRELY up their ass.

One thing I can't stand about young talent these days is the arrogance they assume they're supposed to have being in the hip hop or RnB scene... whatever happened to coolin out and respecting the fact that you got a looooonnnnngggg way to go before you get ANYWHERE and that you truthfully probably won't have the staying power to make a career out of it. It is more of a job than a JOB... ya dig?
I should know.. I've been signed to a major label and had to write, rehearse, sign hundreds of things for competitions, do interviews answering the same fucking questions and just generally overly immerse myself in music related business... some aspects were awesome and unforgettable... some weren't so much. At the end of the day... I've done a lot more than most kids would do in an entire life with a music career.. ALL before I was 25..  no bragging... just that these kids need to respect the fact that if they wanna go further... they need to tone down the ego.. about 70 notches...

Anyway.. right now I'm sounding like a bitter old man.. hahahahahaha..

I honestly just hope these kids impress me.. and leave the bullshit at the door... bring the talent.

PS on the topic.. check out my new music here

its just chilled and honest... soul vibe.

see you tomorrow..

Thanks for playing. Goodbye.

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